For the past few weeks I've been joining other artists in a workshop called, "The Art of Lament", organized by Athentikos (
Week 1:
Beauty and Affliction awaken our hearts to God (Simone Weil)
The Psalms are full of lament (Psalms 6, 13, 74, 79, 80)
Gem 1: Song by Stevie Wonder, Village Ghetto Land
What lines, colours, shapes or movements represent beauty? pain?
Week 2:
Bringing Pain and Suffering into View
Week 3:
“Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
-C.S. Lewis
Mending vs. Fixing
The art of Kintsugi (
contemplate the pieces, look at them
attending to the hurt, beholding the trauma
fusing of the broken pieces, not an attempt to hide or disguise the brokenness
Jesus chose not to hide his wounds
His wounds were still visible after the resurrection. He invited Thomas to touch his wounds. In the Eucharist we are reminded of Jesus' body that was broken for us. In the same way, He invites us to offer our brokenness to the world.
Artist Kenny Wallis' rips cloth and sews them back together
transformation is slow, small increments
What is the brokenness through which God is offering me to the world? How can my wounds nurture seeds of new life?
Makoto Fujimura's commencement speech
Tim Keller's sermon on Psalm 126