I took part in an art workshop organized by Athentikos. https://athentikos.com/
It was called: The Art of Lament. In one of the sessions it was talking about "beholding our brokenness", the masters of the Japanese art, Kintsugi look at the broken pieces before putting them back together. In the same way we need to address our grief before rushing to fix it. So the next pieces in this grief series will have a kintsugi element.

My first attempt at Kintsugi
Lesson: I bought a "convenient" 2-in-1 syringe of epoxy at the hardware store. Well, there was an air bubble in one of the syringes, which off-set the amount of liquid coming out of one side. From the art store I purchased Art Resin, MUCH BETTER, less toxic/stinky.

In one of the workshops we were asked to illustrate beauty (our idea of beauty, beautiful mark making, shapes, colours) and affliction on the other side.